Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Day 25: Eternal Building Materials

The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it. Henry David Thoreau

Paul said in 1 Corinthians 3:12-14 that our work on earth will be judged as having been built with gold, silver or straw, etc. This isn't judging between heaven and hell as our destination. This is merely judging the eternal vs. temporary worth of our labor on earth. To those that build with gold and silver will be given great reward.

Kerry Shook tells us that... We're designed by our Creator to fulfill a vital purpose that no one else can accomplish but us. We're hard-wired with the longing to have an impact, to make a difference that will echo throughout eternity long after our bodies have turned to dust. p. 188

In order to make that lasting impact Kerry suggests three building materials:

1. Convictions. These are more than beliefs. A belief is something you hold on to but a conviction is something that holds you. A conviction is a core value from God's Word that anchors us, shapes us, permeates our lives, and becomes such a part of us that it's who we are. p. 189. Convictions are what drive you to want to leave a legacy.

2. Character. This is the only thing that goes with us when we die. God is more concerned about your character than any achievement or possession you might have on earth. And that's why God uses problems, pressures and people in your life to shape your character to be more like Jesus. Character is what guides the formation of your legacy.

3. Community. Without fellow believers who share your convictions and character it's pretty hard to leave a legacy. But together - filled with God's Spirit - you are a force. Community is where the encouragement, innovation and celebration come from that are so necessary to creating a legacy. Are you flowing with a community of fellow believers to create a legacy?

If we build our lives on convictions, character and community then we will have established an eternal memorial that will benefit countless lives for untold generations. We will have spent our lives creating a bridge that ultimately leads others to God, and there's no more satisfying legacy than that. p. 192

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