Sunday, March 11, 2012

Meeting God By Serving Others

I really enjoyed this mornings service. I interviewed Joe Draxler and the team that went to Haiti, Pastor Kyle via Skype down in New Orleans, and my daughter Becca, via Skype from Bangkok, Thailand.  Pretty amazing to think that we have people covering the globe.

I started the service with a reading from Henri Nouwen. He talked about how we encounter God in service because God is a servant by nature. He revealed himself as a servant of the world. So when we follow him into service we encounter God in a special way.

As Tevis closed us off with the Steven Curtis song (Yours) about ministering around the world I was struck by how we are actually doing that. Because of technology and generous giving and willing hearts, we are ministering hope around the world. The song said that the world is God's and, by association, that means that the world is ours. Because we are God's children we have the responsibility of caring for the world he created.

In the next few weeks we are sending people to Honduras, The Czech Republic, Nicarauga and working on a relief trip for tornado victims in Indiana. So...what is happening here?  These trips are not coming out of any strategic initiative by staff or LEAD team. They are happening because people are seizing an opportunity and going. This is a God thing. I LOVE it!

Keep it up!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Exciting things are happening at Cedarbrook and members of the community are noticing. A lady asked me if missions are just a Cedarbrook thing or do other churches do this. On one hand I was happy to hear how people think of Cedarbrook. On the other I was sad knowing how many churches there are and them not being known for the same thing. I think all churches should be reaching outside their walls.