Monday, April 04, 2005

Going Deep with God

At Cedarbrook, we are passionate about helping people find God. We recognize that there are all kinds of obstacles that keep people away from God so we see it as our role to help clear the path for them.

We are also passionate about helping people to find emotional healing. Life can be pretty cruel. We not only want people to connect with God we want to help mend their wounds.

But what about those who are connected to God and healthy? What place do they have at Cedarbrook? They are the backbone of the church. They are the ones that serve those finding both God and healing. Without their dedication we could never reach new people the way we do.

There is a misperception in churches that "going deep with God" means that you can quote a lot of the Bible and pray for hours at a time. People expect their church to offer a lot of programs to help their members know more. But I think the truly deep things of God focus around serving others and allowing God to change your character. I'm not trying to put down Bible reading and prayer - just offer a balance. I think we've all known people who can quote the Bible flawlessly who don't seem to be very concerned about their own personal flaws.

If you are a part of Cedarbrook (or another church), I want to challenge you to consider how you can help build various aspects of the ministry so we can be even more effective at helping people connect with God. It's not about you learning more. It's about you helping others who know nothing about God. Help with the youth or the children, lead a small group, assist one of the helping ministries like Celebrate Recovery or Divorce Care, be the most welcoming greeter or usher, offer your technical talents, start new ministries that help the poor or single moms or simply invite your friends.

Our goal is to echo Jesus who said that he didn't come to be served but to serve and to give his life for many. You can't get any deeper than that.

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