It concerns me when I see Christians disengaging from our culture just because they deem something as bad or immoral or unbiblical. What do they expect? This isn't heaven. Why the surprise? Our call as followers of Jesus is to be there in the middle of the discussion, not abandon it, or draw such stark lines that no one wants to talk to us.
Living in this world will always present a tension for Jesus followers. The answer isn't to eliminate, condemn or ignore evil. Our job, should we choose to accept it, is to wade into the world at all levels and discern between good and evil, right and wrong, light and dark. And as we do, point others to the Source of all good, right and light.
Jesus spoke of this tension when he gave the story of the wheat and the weeds (Matthew 13:24-30). He said that someone came and sowed weeds in the farmer's field one night. Then there were weeds among the wheat. The laborers wanted to know if they should pull up the weeds. The farmer said, no, that might just damage the wheat. Wait until harvest and it will be easier to distinguish between the two.
That's our call as laborers here on earth. We are to live in the tension of truth and error and wait until the "harvest" when God himself will distinguish between the two.
All that to say, see the Da Vinci Code. More on this soon...
1 comment:
Thanks for having such a common sense approach to this topic... it seems to me that more and more there is this segment of Christians that contiually seek to see the Devil in everything... there is truth to the addage that the "thoughts you think, result in what is attracted to you." Why is it that Christians prefer to see the half that is empty instead of seeing the half that is full of love and kindness... Micah 6:8 case in point... "Do Justice, Love Kindness, Walk Humbly with God." that is what he asks...
Looking at the DaVinci Code and not seeing some truth and fiction mixed is the model of fictional writing... and often a novel does produce food for tho't... just what does the average Christian know about the time when Jesus walked on the earth...the conditions of life..his daily interactions, etc... there is much left unsaid in the Bible...
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