I started a new sermon series yesterday yesterday looking at exposing Marriage Myths. The first myth I tackled is the myth that living together will help reduce the odds of divorce.
But I didn't approach the topic with a Bible teaching. I figured that some people wouldn't believe the Bible but they might believe science. So my points were all gathered from recent research and testimony from people who had a bad experience living with someone.
Following are the notes. If you'd like to listen to the message or read it (along with the articles that I used in my preparation) just click the link here.
But I didn't approach the topic with a Bible teaching. I figured that some people wouldn't believe the Bible but they might believe science. So my points were all gathered from recent research and testimony from people who had a bad experience living with someone.
Following are the notes. If you'd like to listen to the message or read it (along with the articles that I used in my preparation) just click the link here.
- · Living together has increased by 1500% since 1960.
- · The majority of young adults in their 20s will live with a romantic partner at least once, and more than half of all marriages will be preceded by cohabitation.
- · Nearly half of people will insist on living together before risking marriage.
- · Two thirds believe that living together before marriage will help reduce the chance of divorce.
Why do people live
- · They want to spend time together.
- · They want to save money.
- · They hope to see if they are ready for marriage.
- · Women think it will speed up the road to marriage.
- · Men think it will slow down the road to marriage.
The Top Ten problems you
wish people would have told you about living together.
10. There is less celebration if you end up getting engaged/married.
9. Breaking up is hard to do. It can take years.
8. Your investment may cause you to marry
someone out of convenience.
7. Men and women see it differently resulting in
6. If it doesn’t work, it will feel like a
divorce with all the baggage that comes with it.
5. Those who are “testing the waters” have a higher
failure rate.
4. You might find a good roommate but not a
soul mate.
You develop poor habits
that don't serve a marriage well.
2. It’s not really like marriage and therefore
not a true test.
1. It puts you at odds with the model God set for his people.
Join me on Sunday as I offer part two in this series. I'll be looking at the wisdom of God's plan for marriage being a life long convenant between two people.