From Friday's devotional...
Every miracle begins with a person - with a person making a gift of the best they can offer and asking Jesus to bless and to use that gift. Expect a miracle. The need may seem overwhelming. Your gift may appear to be inadequate to cover all of the need. But all Jesus asks is the best that you can offer. When you give the best that you can to Jesus, then expect a miracle.
There is no gift too small in God's eyes. God blesses every gift for his glory. We may not be able to give equal amounts but in God's kingdom the small gift receives the same blessing as the big gift if they are both motivated by love and sacrifice. God dignifies the poor in this way.
Don't dismiss your opportunity to give just because it doesn't seem like much. That's a human view. From God's perspective he sees your heart and he will bless you for giving. You are like God when you give sacrificially. The amount doesn't matter. Giving isn't just for the rich. God is an equal opportunity blesser!
Cedarbrook launched a six week adventure last Sunday. We are asking God to raise up a million dollars to pay off our debt. We want to be free of our debt so we can reach more people with new kinds of ministry. We also want to build three outdoor projects; a playground/picnic area, an amphitheater and a prayer trail. If possible, we'd like to hire another staff person (to learn more go to
We are starting the campaign with a 20 day devotional. I've been briefly commenting on our facebook page each day and decided to post here as well. You can sign up for the email devotionals here.
From Thursday's devotional entry...
...recognizing God's claim over your life,...wake up and listen for God's own voice. There is a word from the Lord for you in this campaign. There is a God-given vision for your church in this campaign. "Speak to me Lord. I am your servant. I am listening to hear from You."
I'm convinced that this campaign is not so much about raising money as it is about hearing from God a fresh call about a new kind of paradigm for ministry. I'm committed to listen. Are you?